Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Project BeastBody: Moving on to Phase 2

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I last wrote.  I guess I just haven't been in the right mindset to get my thoughts down so here goes.  Last week was my last week of the Build phase for Body Beast.  I definitely saw some non-scale victories, but when I did my measurements and progress pictures, I have to say I was slightly disappointed that I was not a little further along.  I did lose 2 pounds but I think that will only be temporary with the Bulk phase I am in now.  Yes, I am human and yes, I am a woman so I did let this get me down a little on Sunday.  I also made the stupid mistake of waiting until after my workout and breakfast to take my pictures so probably not the smartest thing.  I am going to get a personal trainer at my friend's gym to do my measurements for me next time so I'll have a little better accurate reading.  Overall though, I am still madly in love with this program because I have never worked so hard in my life and I am pushing myself farther each time.  I am lifting more weight each time.  I am seeing muscle definition forming in areas, like my arms! I still have goals to reach.  Doing pull-ups/chin-ups and full push-ups are my biggest ones right now when it comes to my physical strength.  I'd say the best thing so far is that I'm not burned out and I'm not bored with this program at all.  And for me, that is huge! I'm including my measurements below.  As you can see, I had some change in my waist and hips so that is a definite "yay" moment.  My biceps are getting bigger and my left side is my dominant side so I need to work on my right a little more.  I didn't have any change in my thighs, but I can tell they are leaning out some because of the muscle I am building so I just have to keep at it.  For my estimated body fat %, I used the formula on the Team Beachbody website.  So overall, not bad because it was a) only 3 weeks and my body is still adjusting b) I am building muscle c) I feel great and feel strong! I was going to include my progress pictures, but my current photos were just done very quickly so I will try to get some better ones this weekend. 
Measurements Day 1:
Weight: 166
Waist: 32
Hips: 39.5
Chest: 36
Right Bicep: 11.2
Left Bicep: 11.5
Right Thigh: 24
Left Thigh: 24
Estimated Body Fat %: 26%
Measurements Day 21:
Weight: 164
Waist: 31
Hips: 37
Chest: 36
Right Bicep: 11.5
Left Bicep: 12
Right Thigh: 24
Left Thigh: 24
Estimated Body Fat %: 23%
Yesterday, I started phase 2, which is the Bulk phase.  I really had no idea as to what to expect with this phase except that I knew I'd be staying in the same calorie bracket for my food.  I also thought maybe the workouts might be slightly shorter since they are all on 1 disc for this phase.  I will do this phase for 5 weeks, 6 days a week.
Day 1 is Bulk: Chest and it was about half an hour long.  Bulk phase is slightly different than Build in how the dynamic sets are set up.  In Bulk phase, in addition to Super Sets, we do Progressive Sets, Force Sets, Combo Sets and Multi Sets.  You'll get an idea as to how each is designed below.  I decided to stick to a little bit lighter weights since I wasn't sure what I was getting into and that seemed to be a good idea.  Sagi moves FAST through these sets so I was still feeling a burn, but also building up some intensity.  Because this workout was only 30 minutes long, and I have a feeling some others will be shorter as well, I am going to start adding in some other cardio aside from the Beast Cardio/Abs workouts.  I already do some additional ab days, but now I'll be stepping up some cardio as well.  Because of the contest I am in, I can't do any other programs like PiYo or anything, so when the weather is nice, I will be getting outside for some cardio or going to the fitness center. 
Body Beast Bulk: Chest Exercises
  • Warm Up
Super Set
  • Incline Fly 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
  • Incline Press 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
Force Set
  • Chest Press with Rotation 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps (Basically going at your max with weight.  5 reps, 5 times with a short break in between)
Progressive Set
  • Incline Press 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps, 12 reps, 15 reps (Similar to a regular single set as you're increasing weight as you go and then decreasing as you come back down)
Combo Set
  • Close-Grip Press to Fly 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps (2 or more moves in one to work as many muscles as possible)
Multi Set
  • Decline Push-Ups 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
  • Cobra to Airplane 18 reps
  • Russian Twist 30 Seconds
Day 2 is Bulk: Legs and that workout was still about 40 minutes long and I was practically DEAD at the end of it.  I knew it was tough, but oh my word, my legs are still Jell-O nearly 9 hours later.  And let's not even talk about what my booty is going to feel like tomorrow.  So.Many.Squats. So.Many.Lunges.  And today was the first time I had done stiff leg deadlifts in ages so yeah, there's that burn.  But it's that burn you love! I actually enjoy leg day because those are your biggest muscles so you're burning so many calories and your metabolism is revved up just a little more.  Since my legs are my biggest "trouble" areas in that I want those to look the best and have a long way to go, I will gladly take leg day with a smile.  Tomorrow is Bulk: Arms.  That should be fun to not be able to do anything after that. 
Body Beast Bulk Legs Exercises
  • Warm Up
Single Set
  • Front to Back Lunge, each leg, 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps
Progressive Set
  • Squat 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps, 12 reps, 15 reps
Force Set
  • Full to 1/2 Sumo Squat 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps
Progressive Set
  • Split Squat, each leg, 15 reps 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps, 12 reps, 15 reps
Super Set
  • Stiff Leg Deadlift 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
  • Alt. Side Squat, each side is 10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps
Super Set
  • Calf Raise 50 reps, 50 reps
  • Beast Abs 30 seconds, 30 seconds
I'm about a week away from it being 30 days into this program so I am working really hard on my nutrition during this phase.  I am going to do my best to cut out as much alcohol as possible.  I don't drink during the week usually, but I have been bad on the weekends so I'm going to do my best to do whatever it takes to achieve more of my goals.  And away we go! Until tomorrow, friends!  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Project BeastBody: Beginning of Week 3

Monday I started week 3 of my #ProjectBeastBody journey, which is also the last week for phase 1, Build.  I still haven't seen much of a change on the scale, but as I mentioned last week, my non-scale victories are still going strong and that's helping to keep me motivated.  I have increased all of my weights on just about every workout now so I am getting stronger.  I may need to move these workouts into the fitness center soon to have access to more weights.  Clothes are still fitting better than they had been fitting and I am starting to see more definition in certain places.  Today I had a personal victory in that I was able to do some Plyo Push-ups only semi-modified today, meaning I was still on my knees, but actually able to get a little height out of my push-up.  For leg day, I started using weights for my Bulgarian squats and alternating lunges.  And that cardio workout only kills me a little bit now, haha! It feels great to see that I am already having improvement in such a short amount of time.  I am doing a little better in my eating as well and am going to start making a more concerted effort to limit my alcohol intake.  Not that I drink a lot, but on the weekends the vino definitely calls my name.  Next week I start phase 2, Bulk, which will last for 5 weeks.  This is where it could get tricky because it is the same workout every week.  Even though the Build phase was made up of the same workouts, my rest day always fell on a different day so it didn't feel as repetitive.  Whenever I did P90X, I would hit a wall because of boredom.  BUT, I do believe that Body Beast is one of my soul mate workout programs and I have a big goal with trying to land a spot in that next infomercial so I will push through it.  I really do love this program.  I feel so much better after I do the workouts and I actually miss it on my rest days.  Hopefully the weather will continue to be nice on the weekends so I can get some outdoor moderate cardio in as well.  Because of the contest, I am not allowed to do any other programs so I'm kind of missing my PiYo for an added bonus workout, but that's okay.  Like I said, the end goal is too great to mess up.  I plan on doing my measurements again this weekend to see how I've progressed so far and I will need to recalculate my calories for the next phase as well.  Everything is still just swimming along perfectly and I really couldn't be more in love with a program.  I was a girl that would have never thought she'd love lifting weights.  I was telling my dad this weekend that I've come a long way from the chunky girl 10 years ago that couldn't even lift herself onto the tube when we used to go out on the lake.  It was pathetic.  Now, I can't wait for my after picture! Thank you Body Beast!
A little Flex Friday action from last week.  Slowly there is some definition showing up there.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Project BeastBody: Week 2 Days 2 & 3

Monday night I had this grand plan that I would go to bed very early and sleep like a baby through the  night and I'd wake up and hit the ground running.  It was a great plan, but one that my dogs were apparently not aware of and my older one woke me up around 1am needing to go outside.  So, I finally fell back asleep just before that 4am alarm went off.  I decided to try to get more rest and I would figure out later when I'd get my workout in that day.  I usually am pretty good about telling myself that I will workout in the evening, but then get home and just put on my comfy clothes and call it a day.  So, this time, I prepared myself and took my clothes and E&E stash with me to my office and told myself that I WOULD workout after work at our office fitness center.  I actually was excited during the day and was really looking forward to my workout and was ready to go at 5:30 to get started.  It's been months since I last worked out in a public setting like that.  At first no one was in there so I had the whole place to myself and near the end of my workout, someone else came in, but I was in a pretty good zone so didn't feel too weird.  I did miss being at home though.   
Yesterday was the Build: Back & Biceps workout again.  This time I'd have to make a few modifications since I didn't have my bands that I use in place of doing chin-ups/pull-ups and also someone had hidden the 10 pound weights from me so I had to use less weight than what I had wanted on some of the moves.  The good news, however, is I did go up in weight on a few moves so yay for me! Each day I feel stronger and that's a great thing.  I came home and slept great too which I so needed.
Post-workout.  I promise there is some definition forming in that bicep, haha.
This morning I faced that Beast Cardio & Abs duo again.  Man, was it tough, but another victory is that I hung in there and got it done.  It may not have been pretty and I am still having to modify a few moves like burpees and plyo push-ups, but my heart rate monitor didn't tell me I died today and I'd say I busted things up a few notches.  It's a tough workout, but each week will start getting a little better each time.  I have no doubts about that.  For the abs workout, I was able to do everything except the hip up moves (similar to heels to heaven from P90X).  My lower back was a little stiff this morning so I modified that to do something I knew I could handle.  I kinda felt a little like I might puke after today's workout, but in a good way of course.  Tomorrow is Build: Shoulders and then my rest day.  Week 2 is blazing along and I am still really enjoying this program. 
Told you it wasn't pretty, but I survived!
I am still working on my nutrition which I need to start paying better attention to since that is key in seeing results.  Mainly I need to start keeping track of my calories and what I am eating better.  I haven't been bad during the week, but I am pretty certain that I am not hitting all of my calories I should be eating.  Part of it is because I'm still trying to figure out what works best for my body and part of it is fear and doubt.  Yes, those two evil monsters that like to rear their ugly heads just when things are going well.  I have had some fabulous non-scale victories this week, but I am not going to lie, it is hard to see that number on the scale staying put.  I know better.  I KNOW BETTER than to let that get to me with weight training, but I do worry I am eating too much.  To top things off, my hormones are doing their monthly thing today so, you can imagine how I am feeling.  The important thing is how I'm feeling overall since starting this program, with the exception of today where I went from 10 to -20 in about 3 hours on the post-workout high happiness scale.  This too shall pass.  Overall I know I am stronger each day, my clothes are fitting looser, I am gaining some muscle definition, I have more energy, I am in a better mood overall and I know things will continue to get better.  It's only halfway through week 2 and I have 10 1/2 more weeks to go.  I have goals that I am setting for myself and I will get there.  So, for any of you struggling, I get it.  Allow yourself to feel it, good and bad, but don't dwell in the bad.  You are what you think you are and I am going to continue thinking I am fabulous and awesome and am so going to rock these results! Happy hump day, everyone!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Project BeastBody: Week 1 Recap & Hello Week 2

Sorry for being a little MIA these last few days.  We've been blessed with some amazing weather and I just couldn't bring myself to sit in front of my computer instead of enjoying it while it lasts.  A little fresh air does a body good.  The last time I wrote, I described my near death experience with Beast Cardio and Abs.  I recovered well from that and went on to Build: Shoulders on Day 5 which was Friday.  I have never done just a shoulder workout before.  Usually, like in P90X, it involves more of the upper body but this one certainly delivered.  I would say my only "problem" was with the Dumbbell Scap Trap move (video of the modified version I am going to try) because I don't have a bench and using my stability felt awkward and not like it gave me enough range of motion.  I saw on a post in a Body Beast for Women group I am in that someone said to mimic the move standing in a bent over position so I am going to try that. Other than that, the workout was moves I was familiar with and had done before.  Surprisingly, that was the first workout all week that didn't leave me sore...well, not that much.   
Overall, last week was a fantastic week.  I still hurt like hell in some spots and even though the scale didn't budge, I did already notice a change in how my clothes fit and I am starting to see some changes in my body as well.  The thing about weight lifting is that it can take time for the actual number on the scale to change, but your body is changing and that is what I need to keep in mind.  It can get discouraging, but as long as I'm feeling like there is a positive change taking place, I'll be happy.  My eating wasn't 100% clean last week either and I'm still adjusting to this calorie intake.  This week I am going back to what I know works a little better for my body.  I was miserable eating some of the carbs and legumes last week since I don't eat them that often anymore.  This is all a learning process for me as it would be for anyone.  I can see why people would get discouraged and give up, but the main focus is my end goal and that's to look amazing by the end of this journey. 
Saturday was my rest day from Body Beast, but I decided I wanted to get out and enjoy the weather so I took the dogs and we headed for the park to walk some trails.  We walked about 50 minutes and those 2 little nuggets held their own.  Sunday was my last workout for week 1 and it was Build: Chest/Tris again from Day 1.  I increased my weights on a few things so I was proud of that.  The rest of the day was spent meal prepping for the week and more time with my dogs at the dog park and enjoying the weather.  It really made it hard to come back to work today!
Saturday fun with my babies!
Post Build: Chest/Tris and a little extra abs.  End of Week 1!
Today started week 2 and what better way to start the week off when you didn't sleep so great than with leg day.  I increased my weights on a few of these moves as well and still used no weights on other moves.  I am still pretty sore in my left quad area along with my right inner thigh so lunges were not my friend, but I did the best I could.  My booty is actually burning a little still from that workout.  I was proud of how I kept up and stayed in "beast" mode for the duration of the workout.  Tomorrow is Back/Biceps again so I'm hoping to get those biceps popping a little more with higher weights.  I did get my chin-up assist band in the mail on Friday and tried it out with my bar yesterday.  It wasn't as easy as I thought so I still have some work to do, but hopefully soon, I'll be able to get going on those as well. 
Build: Legs, week 2, day 1. 
I am really loving this program so far.  I think what is really helping me is the group I am in and seeing so many women busting their butt to get it done and loving it as well.  It helps to not feel alone.  I am planning on going to get my measurements taken by a trainer so I can see where I am in my progress.  Here's to a great week!  
Body Beast Build: Shoulders Exercises
  • Warm Up
Single Set
  • Shoulders Press 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
Super Set
  • Lateral Raise 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
  • Upright Row 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
Giant Set
  • EZ Bar Underhand Press 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
  • 1,1,2 Front Raise 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
  • Rear Delt Raise 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
Super Set
  • Standing Dumbbell Shrug 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
  • Dumbbell Scap Trap 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
Super Set
  • Sagi Six-Way
  • Tuck and Roll
Cool Down and Stretch

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Project BeastBody: Day 4- Beast Cardio/Beast Abs

To say that this week has been challenging is an understatement.  I have worked out with trainers before, I have done tough programs before and I have lifted weights before, but I don't think anything in my past really could have prepared me for the emotional and physical aspects of this journey.  I am not complaining at all.  In fact, I needed this challenge because I was getting too lax in my workouts.  BodyBeast is requiring me to stay focused and I love that.  Now, with that said, I am pretty sure that today I died and lived to tell about it, haha.  I have done P90X PlyoX, I have done 21 Day Fix Plyo Fix, I have done PiYo Drench and I have done boot camps and other rigorous workouts.  I had an idea as to what to expect with today's Beast Cardio workout, but only in the sense of knowing what moves Sagi Kalev would be handing to us.  I didn't realize he would be handing me my ass at the same time. 
This 30 minute workout was definitely plyometrics based, which  means there was a lot of jumping.  Jump squats, burpees, mountain climbers, jump lunges and then some planks and a few moves with weights to really add some variety.  I will have to say that I was excited to see a return of one of my favorite moves from 21 Day Fix's Dirty 30 workout, the renegade row, but damn, I couldn't keep up to even do more than 2! This time at least.  I will get better.  I will get stronger.  About 10 minutes into the workout, my heart rate monitor was no longer able to detect my heart rate.  I am not sure if I was too sweaty or if  like I said, I died.  I got it working again only to quit reading my heart rate again a few minutes later so no telling just how many calories lost their lives today.  Then it was on to the Beast Abs which was about 10 minutes long.  Yay, I thought, I'll get to "rest." Haha, nope.  It was bam, bam, bam through crunches, Russian twists, cobra, spiderman, one armed plank (with a weight I might add, which I didn't do today) and ending with Beast Abs which is spelling out B-E-A-S-T with your feet both forwards and backwards.  Then, at the end of the workout, I curled into the fetal position and couldn't believe what the hell I just did.  And, what's even crazier, is how much I loved it.  Tomorrow is Build: Shoulders and then a rest day.  It can't get here soon enough.  I am really hoping I can walk again by then, too, because unfortunately crawling is not a socially acceptable thing to do as an adult.  Who knew? Happy Thursday, everyone!
P.S. I am including a video of someone else's review of Beast Cardio so you can kind of get an idea as to what it was like. 

Body Beast Cardio Exercises
  • Warm Up
  • Squat to Overhead Press + Hold
  • Toe Tap
  • Squat to Jump Squat + Hold
  • Mountain Climber + Row + Plank
  • Sumo Squat + Hold
  • Plyo Push-Up + Hold
  • Sumo Jump
  • Squat to Upright Row + Hold
  • Alt Lunge Jumps + Hold
  • Plank + Twist + Sprint
  • Cool Down and Stretch
Body Beast Abs Exercises
  • Crunch
  • Russian Twist w/Dumbbell
  • Hip-Up
  • Crossed Tuck-In
  • Cobra
  • Spiderman Crunch
  • Bucket Drop
  • One Arm Open Plank
  • Windshield Wiper
  • Beast Abs

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Project BeastBody: Day 3- Build: Back/Biceps

Today was a rough start.  I woke up around 2:30am and finally fell back asleep just when the alarm was going off at 4am.  Thought I dozed off for just about 5 minutes, but it was half an hour so a mad dash to get going out of bed and I was onto day 3 of my Project BeastBody, Build: Back/Biceps.  Mad dash is probably slightly exaggerating it as I am quite, no, EXTREMELY sore from the last two days just as I suspected I would be.  I know it is all part of the process, but dang, do I hurt.  And after today's workout, I have a feeling, and am already feeling it, that I'll be sore in my back tomorrow as well.  I will have to say, though, that today's 50 minute workout did feel like it flew by.  There was only 1 super set and 1 giant set, everything else was made up of single sets, but I pushed myself as best I could for being as tired and out of it as I was.  I haven't been logging my worksheets but instead have been using the BodyBeast mobile tracker which will come in handy if I decide to take my workout to my fitness center which I may do as I get further along.  I am not going to lie and will just say that I am sort of dreading tomorrow's Cardio workout.  I don't care for cardio, and I was looking ahead just to get an idea as to what to expect and it is going to be full of squats, jump squats, plyo pushups, planks, lunge jumps and my arch nemesis, burpees.  For a while now, my lower back has sort of kept me from doing burpees full out so we'll see how I hold up tomorrow.  Either way, I'm nearing the end of week 1.  Today has been an emotional day for me and I've noticed that happens when I step up my fitness regimen.  It is like my body is releasing some toxicity I have stored up, plus I just have a few things on my mind, but this too shall pass.  I plan to meet up with my bed a little earlier tonight and be ready to bring it beast style tomorrow.  Happy hump day, everyone!

Body Beast Build: Back and Bi’s Exercises
Warm Up
Single Set
  • Deadlift 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
Super Set
  • Dumbbell Pull-Over 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
  • Pull-Ups 10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps
Giant Set
  • EZ Bar Row 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
  • One Arm Row Both Arms 15 reps, 12 reps 8 reps
  • Reverse Fly 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
Single Set
  • Close-Grip Chin Ups 30 seconds, 30 seconds, 30 seconds
Single Set
  • Seated Bicep Curl 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
Single Set
  • 1,1,2 Hammer Curl 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
Single Set
  • Neutral EZ Bar Curl 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps (Can be done with dumbbells)
Single Set
  • Airplane Cobra 30 seconds, 30 seconds
Cool Down and Stretch

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Project BeastBody: Day 2- Build: Legs

Well, today was leg day for my second day of Body Beast and I have to say while it was rough, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Now, that doesn't mean that tomorrow I won't be crawling everywhere as my main means of transportation, but I am pretty sure that my recent PiYo workouts really helped me with all of the squats and lunges.  I did use weights as much as I could, but there were times when I just relied on good old body weight for the moves and I know I still got a great workout.  Since I am a girl and my goal is to have sexy, sleek legs, I wasn't as concerned about whether or not I used weights or not.  The workout lasts about 38 minutes long and consists of the same dynamic set method that is used in the Chest/Tris workout I did yesterday.  Tomorrow is back/biceps day.  Should be another killer day!
Food intake hasn't been as much of a problem as I thought it might be.  I am eating about every 3 hours and don't ever feel hungry.  However, I am thinking I am going to lean towards more of my paleo style diet that I am more used to, though.  I feel good with my food that I have been eating, but I know I could feel a little better and know what works for me.  I try to stick to the 80/20 plan so there are some exceptions to the paleo rule for me.  I certainly don't want to undo all of my hard work since nutrition is such a huge part of any fitness plan. I am already starting to figure out my meals for next week. 
I realized something today about myself.  And that is how proud of myself I am for taking on this challenge.  It's hard to think back and remember the girl that would never even think about working out, let alone lift a weight.  I have so much more confidence from this past year and a half than I had in recent years because of my health and nutrition journey and losing that weight and being able to help others on their paths as well.  I think, as cheesy as it sounds, one of the big reasons I am loving Body Beast so far is because I feel like I'm working out with these guys at a gym.  When I first moved back to Houston, I joined what was considered more of a bodybuilder gym that eventually started "softening" a bit to attract more females and I loved it.  It was the perfect environment for me at the time.  Now, I love getting to do these workouts in my living room or if I feel like it, going to my apartment or work fitness center as well, but either way, I'm still working out with people.  It's coming up on my one year anniversary as a Beachbody coach and I can't believe at what a great space I am in physically and mentally thanks to that company and the friends I have made.  Don't let fears hold you back.  If there is something you want, go after it! And with that, I'll see you tomorrow!

My calories burned today along with my Results & Recovery drink post workout. 
Also, my little dog Gabby says "hi!'

Body Beast Build: Legs Exercises
  • Warm Up
Single Set
  • Sumo Squat 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
Super Set
  • Alternating Lunge 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
  • Step-Up to Reverse Lunge on right and left legs 15 reps, 12 reps 8 reps
Giant Set
  • Parallel Squat 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
  • Bulgarian Squat Right and Left Legs 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
  • Straight Leg Deadleft Right and Left 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps
Giant Set
  • Single Leg Calf Raise Right and Left for 30 seconds x 2
  • Seated Calf Raise 30 seconds x 2
  • In and Outs 30 seconds x 2
Cool Down